Monday, March 18, 2013

Residency Match Day

The residency match just concluded last week.  For those unaware of this annual event close to the end of medical school, students interview with and rank residency programs, and programs do the same with interviewing medical students.  Information about the results of the Match can be found here
Students found out their individual match results on Friday, March 15, 2013, opening envelopes with the name of the program where they are headed for their residency training.  It is an incredibly anxiety-provoking yet exciting event that most physicians remember for years to come.
From the program point of view, I am ecstatic to see the names of the medical students I have the privilege of training for the next four years after they graduate in a few months.  This year was no exception.  I couldn’t be prouder of the students matched to my program!  The joy that comes from observing the opening of the envelope and just knowing where one will spend the next few years is a sight to behold.
With the advent of smartphones and tablets that can capture moments like Match Day easily, it is exciting to see how different schools approach this rite of passage.  There was even a Twitter handle to capture the information across the country: #Match2013.  Below is a short list of how some medical schools “observe” Match Day.  The list is certainly not exhaustive, but is fascinating to show how different schools approach Match Day festivities.

And some, like my own institution, Indiana University School of Medicine, found students who threw a bit of humor into the day:
Congratulations to all of the students who matched!  May your futures be bright, and may your passion for caring for patients continue to flourish!

1 comment:

  1. Curious about Match Day: I've learned that it's really the schools searching for the right students AND the students searching for the right schools. Is there a "counselor" of sorts available to help educate and guide the students as they think about their projected career paths and which schools might offer better fits for those goals, such as an emphasis on Scholarly Activity or certain resources?
